Africa Corpse (1)?

No I am not talking about these guys, although they would fit right in.

Especially their great song Nameless Dead from their Conclusion 17 album.

Nope I have always said that no self respecting zombie miniature collector should be without some German Zombies in their collection.

Here is the first 10 of my German WW2 Totenkorps.

The animated corpses may have divided contemporary military opinion, but not mine!

On the one hand they caused an ethical affront too many, whilst on the other their impact on the battlefield and their role in saving 1944 Germany cannot be denied.

Generally they are not at the forefront of battles but are used as a fanatical reserve by the more radical German commanders.

Raised in the deserts of north Africa these Totenkorps have much in common with the myths and legends of Ancient Egypt.

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