Zulu Sunset – well it was last night

Another great “Men who would be kings” game in 6mm.

The Zulu Impi’s move forward “at the double”.

The sneaky Zulu’s of “Chaka Guru” move forward using all the cover they can.

The dastardly British form close order for volley fire.

“Chaka Guru’s” Impis ready to strike.

Oh no they fail by 1/2 inch in contacting the British need to roll anything but a one to hit them………… Doh!

This mean they would be open to close range fire.

Meanwhile the Impis of “Chaka Rob” just fail to move outside of the British arc of fire……….In the words of that famous detective “failed by that much”.

The middle impi, with only the leader left charges a very depleted British unit, with 2/3rd casualties, the British roll their four dice and fail to hit the brave Zulu warrior. He replies with his one dice…………………….and fails. As he charged he is forced to retreat half a move right in front of the British rifles. He taunts them dancing and yelling and is shot for his efforts

A second of “Shaka Guru’s” impis also roll a one and fail to hit a second very lucky British unit. Followed immediately by one of “Shaka Rob’s” doing the same.

When the zulu’s hit the British they normally win but halting just short in front of British rifles well it is just “Ibhadi kabi lelo chap endala” ……………………………………………………………….. or “that is very bad luck old chap”!

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